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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Foods to Avoid to Eat Vegan & Veganism and Animals & Extreme Measures to be Vegan

 Have you ever heard the expression Vegan?  Many people are confused exactly where the phrase came from and even more people are confused about exactly what is available to eat if they wanted to attempt a vegan lifestyle.  To learn the food groups that are permitted for a vegan it is extremely important to understand that there are still important food groups that should not be avoided; your best friends will quickly become fruits and vegetables.  These are by far some of the biggest contributors to a vegan diet and will help you to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients necessary.

With so many people spending an abundance of time focusing on the foods that you can eat when you are a vegan it is also important to start spending some time really looking over some of the foods that you cannot eat.  This list can be extremely eye opening to a large number of people who might not otherwise realize many of the restrictions that occur for people who are trying to follow a Vegan diet.  In order to really gain the biggest benefit it is important to know upfront that you will need to spend a bit of time reading all of the labels that your food has to ensure you are aware of what you are consuming.

Most people are aware that there are several different levels of vegetarianism.  The first is of course standard vegetarian, this is the people who do not eat any meats, dairy products, poultry and finally fish.  This is seen as an extremely strict eating habit, but to lighten up a bit there is the lacto-ovo vegetarians.  These are people whom consumer dairy products and also eggs but still omit meat from their diets.  A lacto vegetarian only consumes dairy products and an ovo vegetarian will consume eggs but not any dairy products.  In contrast, a Vegan will consume no animal products and will also avoid all animal products as well.

Vegans have to avoid foods such as honey due to it being made by bees, gelatin which is made from meat byproducts and also different clothing that is made from animal products such as silk, wool and also leather to name a few.  This is of course not an all-inclusive list however.  There are plenty of other types of foods that must be avoided as well, including things such as cheese, pizza, lasagna, and other foods that include animal products.  This might seem frightening for a beginning vegan but fear not.

With the ever growing list of foods that have to be avoided, there are also plenty of foods created that are fine for vegans to consume.  The availability of many types of vegan safe foods means that a large number of consumers are able to expand their options beyond what was previously a very small list of foods.  This also means that it is possible to eat out much more often than previously as well, however it is still extremely important to remember that regardless of whether you are trying to eat out or just go grocery shopping you need to be fully aware of what is involved in each dish and item in order to determine if it is going to fit into your vegan lifestyle.

While it is sometimes going to take some additional effort to make appropriate selections, it is very much worth the time and effort that you put into it.  Living a vegan lifestyle is certainly not easy in today’s society; however, it is certainly not something that is impossible.  A bit of time and effort can allow you to live a successful vegan lifestyle while avoiding the foods and items that are not suitable and still ensure that you are eating healthy.  A good bit of effort into trying to make sure you are eating healthy is perfectly natural and a vegan lifestyle can certainly work well with this outlook.

Veganism and Animals

With all of the greener lifestyles that are being adapted all around the world there are tons of questions about exactly what veganism is, and exactly how it pertains to animals.  For the vast majority of people it is extremely important to realize that you simply cannot make a sudden change like shifting from eating burgers every day to living a successful vegan lifestyle overnight.  However, it is also possible to make some substantial changes that are on the path to becoming vegan and showing animals the respect that you believe they deserve.

Many people in the quest to treat animals better are appalled to learn that many countries use some rather unconventional animals as food; this for many people can be action that triggers their desire to change to a vegan lifestyle, however for others it is simply another reason in a long list of reasons.  Many countries such as China make usage of animals such as dog for their meals and many times people are unhappy to learn this, however to the Vegans in the world, using dog for food is no worse than actually using cows or even poultry.  This can create quite a controversy, but brings about many deep emotions for most people.

A vegan lifestyle involves avoiding all animal products, this includes things that are not commonly considered animal products such as gelatin, honey and even clothing that is made from wool.  While this might seem to be a huge complication, those who are devout Vegans argue that harming an animal to consume what they have to offer is even worse.  This makes it extremely important to take some time to really consider all of your options before you rush and either change to Veganism or start condemning the practice while you drive to the nearest burger joint.

Making the shift to a vegan lifestyle is not always easy to do, it will require a bit of effort on your part.  Deciding that you are going to make this venture for yourself is something that will require a big investment on your part due to the time requirements.  If you are interested in making this journey you are certainly someone who appreciates animals, but at the same time, there are many who do consume animals and other animal products who still have great respect for the animals.  If you are going to look to vegan as a great lifestyle, you must also be willing to accept that it is not a lifestyle that is suited for everyone.

Many who are unable to make the complete commitment to a vegan lifestyle find that instead opting for a vegetarian lifestyle is much better suited for them.  There are several variations of a vegetarian lifestyle and which each has different requirements in terms of what you can or cannot consume, each is considered to be better for the environment and the physical body itself rather than relying heavily upon animal products.

One area that really tends to shock people is most vegans are also strongly against the use of animals in events such as fairs and circus acts.  They believe that animals are provided certain rights that are infringed if they attempt to use them as entertainment or food in any way.  This often finds many vegans either skipping the circus when it comes to town and many others going so far as to actively protest the occurrence.

With all of the interactions that are coming recently, there have been some improvements in the way that farming and other food production occurs.  For example, free range chicken is becoming much more common at the local grocery store, which can be traced back to some influence by the vegans of the world that are fighting to have animals treated fairly despite their perceived notion as being nothing more than a meal by many people all around.  Working to improve the living conditions of many animals is another huge benefit that vegans all push for, and improvements are being made continuously at this

Extreme Measures to be Vegan

Has the idea of becoming a Vegan ever crossed your mind?  Many people have considered becoming Vegan in an effort to treat the environment better but it is not a lifestyle that is suitable for everyone.  In order to actually get the biggest benefit out of becoming a Vegan it is very important that you actually enjoy the lifestyle, which can be very difficult if you are not used to eating so strictly.  Trying to adapt to a Vegan lifestyle is not always easy, it will require a large amount of effort on your part, and if you are unwilling to make all of the changes it does not make you a bad person.

Knowing some of the requirements for being Vegan upfront is important.  The biggest detractor for many people is the inability to eat any meats.  For people who are used to consuming meat with each meal this can be a make it or break it issue.  If you do not typically eat much meat presently, it might not be that difficult for you to give up all of the meat that you consume.  If you really want to set yourself up for success it is a good idea to slowly cut back on the meat that you consume, however this is not always the most effective method to use.

Other extreme measures that Vegans adopt is not eating any products from animals at all.  This includes eggs, milk, cheese and also things such as honey.  Avoiding all of these foods can make it extremely complicated to go out to eat, but it certainly does not have to entirely limit your life.  You will seldom find that becoming Vegan means you are completely unable to eat out at all.  It will require a bit of additional thought before you select the restaurant that you visit, but with a little thought you will find that you can still have a social life even if you are a Vegan.

Another common complication is clothing.  A Vegan is committed to avoiding all products that pertain to animals.  This includes clothing as well which will prohibit you from wearing wool, silk and some other fabrics that are the product of animals.  Taking the time to find clothing that is earth friendly is sometimes a bit more expensive but it is well worth the benefits for the environment.  However, you need to very carefully read the labels for the exact materials that are used.

Becoming a Vegan is more than about just what you eat.  It is an entire lifestyle that will compromise of not only what you eat, but also what you wear and the products that you use around your home.  This is something that may take a bit of getting used to.  Most people who are truly interested in being a Vegan find that simplifying their life a bit is extremely helpful and will also allow them to better handle all of the changes and adjustments that you need to make in order to actually enjoy a Vegan lifestyle.

The advantages of being Vegan are really enjoyable if you are truly committed.  You should never force yourself to be Vegan if you are not interested in the lifestyle though.  It will make it extremely difficult to actually follow through with the necessary changes.  With a slow shift towards a Vegan lifestyle you will find that not only are all of the changes much easier to handle, but the changes will have a lasting effect rather than simply being another fad portion of your life.  This will enable you to really make a lasting change in your life, instead of only making a change for a few days to simply go back to the typical lifestyle that you have known so much from previous.  Even the small changes will help you to live a healthier lifestyle, even if they are not easy to do.


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